Arcade Build: Sanding & Priming

6. Let the Sawdust Fly

Get to work, Daniel-san.

Sorry I have been away for so long; just had a lot going on lately on all fronts.  But I have been making progress on my build.  At this point I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the repair and building.  First step was to fill all the seams, cracks, water damage pot holes, nail marks, screw marks and so on...  So I used good ole' Bondo because I figured it would help strengthen the water damaged particle board and help smooth the seams of old to new wood on the bottom.  Man, I forgot how potent Bondo fumes are, especially in an enclosed space (even with my mask)!

I also discovered how to use the original control panel plate I found in the original cabinet.  I wanted to mount it on the back of the cabinet and add the volume controls for the speakers here.  As I was trying to cut the opening to mount it on the original wood, it was a little to weak (and not to mention the vent holes not being centered with the new panel was driving my perfectionism & symmetrical-ism crazy). In the long run, it was a much better decision to replace it.

Once all the sawdust settled and I was able to vacuum, I wiped down the entire cabinet and now it was ready to prime.  I know in this day and age they have all these fancy primer and paint combos and this new fangled paint with the chromatic sciences (damn kids these days).  However I really wanted the primer to create cohesion with the multiple materials on the surface and make a solid bond with the paint and the wood.
After applying the primer to all parts of the cabinet, this is when it hit me that I could "see" the finished product and truly started to get excited!  Next up: Painting
