The Beginning of The Arcade Cabinet Build

Finally, the time has come...

I did it!  I am moving forward with my arcade build.  For the longest time I was toying with the idea of building my own arcade cabinet.  The journey always starts somewhere.  About a year ago, I purchased a Raspberry Pi machine and decided to load Retro Pie onto it.  What better way to relive my childhood than all the classics games I played as a kid.

So naturally after spending time playing, tweaking, and tinkering with it, I stumbled across something randomly in YouTube (don't we all).  I found the I Like to Make Stuff channel where Bob built his own arcade cabinet powered by the RetroPie*.  I was like, "YEAH, why not!"  But my only problem is I don't really have a workshop or space to build it properly, so I decided to keep thinking.
*Side note- If you are a maker, you have to check out Bob and his I Like to Make Stuff website & channel.  The guy is amazing and I love his ideas and what he does.  Again, do yourself a favor and hit the subscribe button!
So after some time I figured why not check online and see if someone is looking to get rid of an old cabinet that is broken.  Why not refurbish it, fix it up and re-use it.  I mean it is win-win.  Not only does it save me time with the overall build, but I can restore and keep some of the history with an old cabinet.  So once I found one for the right price I decided to pick it up and start the process.

I found The Trivia Whiz.  I went with this model for a two main reasons: one, it was the right price- cheap, and two- the dimensions are a little smaller than a standard arcade cabinet.  I knew I would be doing some repair, so building onto it would be no problem, not to mention I can customize it to my specs.
The Trivia Whiz.  Special thanks to my man David for helping my carry this beast into my house!

I can't wait to get into it!  Up next- gutting the cabinet!


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